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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - god


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~ n 1 a male being who is believed to control the world or part of it, or represents a particular quality  (Mars, the god of war) 2 someone or something to which you give too much importance or respect  (material wealth became their god) 3 the gods a) informal the seats high up and at the back of a theatre b) the force that some people believe controls their lives, bringing them good or bad luck  (The gods are against me!)
God ~ n not with the) 1 the being2 (1) who Christians, Jews, and Muslims pray to  (- see also act of God act1 (10)) 2 God/oh God/my God/good God spoken used to add force to what you are saying, when you are surprised, annoyed, or amused  (Oh God, how embarrassing!) 3 I swear/hope/wish etc to God used to emphasize that you promise, hope or wish that something is true  (I hope to God nothing goes wrong.) 4 God knows spoken a) used to show that you are annoyed because you do not know something, or because you think that something is unreasonable  (God knows who/what/how etc)  (God knows what she's doing in there. | God only knows)  (It'll cost God only knows how much.) b) used to add force to what you are saying  (God knows, it hasn't been easy.) 5 what/how/where/who in God's name spoken used to add force to a question when you are angry or surprised  (Where in God's name have you been?) 6 God forbid spoken used to say that you very much hope that something will not happen + tha  (God forbid that she should ever hurt you.) 7 honest to God spoken used to emphasize that you are not lying or joking  (Honest to God, I didn't tell her!) 8 God almighty spoken used to express surprise, shock, annoyance, or anger 9 God help you/him etc spoken used to warn someone  (God help you if Tom comes home and you're still here!) 10 God help us spoken, usually humorous used when you think that something bad is going to happen  ("Simon's doing the cooking." "God help us!") 11 God bless spoken used to show your affection for someone  (Goodnight, Jenny - God bless.) 12 God willing spoken used to say that you hope there will be no problems  (We'll be moving next month, God willing.) 13 God-given received from God  (a God-given talent for singing | a God-given right (=the right to do something without asking anyone else's opinion)) 14 God give me strength! spoken used when you are becoming annoyed 15 God's gift to women/men etc someone who thinks they are perfect or extremely attractive  (Paul thinks he's God's gift to the film industry.) 16 God rest his/her soul also God rest him/her old-fashioned used to show respect when speaking about someone who is dead 17 play God to behave as though you have the power to do whatever you like  (scientists who think they can play God with their genetic experiments) 18 by God old-fashioned used to add force when you are expressing determination or surprise  (- see also there but for the grace of God grace1 (6), in the lap of the gods lap1 (5), thank God/goodness/heavens thank (2))  ( USAGE NOTE: GOD FORMALITY AND POLITENESS In informal spoken English the following expressions are very common. They are used in a non-religious way, but some people would consider them to be offensive. Oh (my) God/My God/Good God/God! are all used to show strong surprise, fear, excitement or annoyance, or to emphasize what is said Oh God, what's that? | My God, I forgot to lock the door. | God he was sexy! | Good God no! For God's sake is used to draw attention strongly to a particular point How can she do that, she's only seven for God's sake! It is also used with orders to make them stronger, or to show annoyance For God's sake shut up! Thank God shows you are happy and pleased about something Thank God you're here! | Thank God for that! God (only) knows is a strong way of saying `I don't know'. SPELLING God is always written with a capital letter in these expressions. GRAMMAR God is not used with the I pray to God every night (NOT the God). )
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  (gods) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The name God is given to the spirit or being who is worshipped as the creator and ruler of the world, especially by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. He believes in God... God bless you. N-PROPER 2. People sometimes use God in exclamations to emphasize something that they are saying, or to express surprise, fear, or excitement. This use could cause offence. God, how I hated him!... Oh my God he’s shot somebody... CONVENTION c darkgreen]emphasis 3. In many religions, a god is one of the spirits or beings that are believed to have power over a particular part of the world or nature. ...Pan, the God of nature. ...Zeus, king of the gods. N-COUNT 4. Someone who is admired very much by a person or group of people, and who influences them a lot, can be referred to as a god. To his followers he was a god. N-COUNT 5. see also act of God 6. If you say God forbid, you are expressing your hope that something will not happen. If, God forbid, something goes wrong, I don’t know what I would do. PHRASE: PHR with cl c darkgreen]feelings 7. You can say God knows, God only knows, or God alone knows to emphasize that you do not know something. Gunga spoke God knows how many languages... God alone knows what she thinks. PHRASE: PHR wh c darkgreen]emphasis 8. If someone says God knows in reply to a question, they mean that they do not know the answer. ‘Where is he now?’ ‘God knows.’ PHRASE c darkgreen]emphasis 9. The term a man of God is sometimes used to refer to Christian priests or ministers. PHRASE 10. If someone uses such expressions as what in God’s name, why in God’s name, or how in God’s name, they are emphasizing how angry, annoyed, or surprised they are. (INFORMAL) What in God’s name do you expect me to do?... Why in God’s name did you have to tell her? PHRASE c darkgreen]emphasis 11. If someone plays God, they act as if they have unlimited power and can do anything...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German got ~  Date: before 12th century  1. capitalized the supreme or ultimate reality: as  a. the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe  b. Christian Science the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over all as eternal Spirit ; infinite Mind  2. a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship; specifically one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality  3. a person or thing of supreme value  4. a powerful ruler  II. transitive verb  (~ded; ~ding)  Date: 1595 to treat as a ~ ; idolize, deify ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 a (in many religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power over nature, human fortunes, etc.; a deity. b an image, idol, animal, or other object worshipped as divine or symbolizing a god. 2 (God) (in Christian and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe; the supreme being. 3 a an adored, admired, or influential person. b something worshipped like a god (makes a god of success). 4 Theatr. (in pl.) a the gallery. b the people sitting in it. 5 (God!) an exclamation of surprise, anger, etc. Phrases and idioms by God! an exclamation of surprise etc. for God's sake! see SAKE(1). God-awful sl. extremely unpleasant, nasty, etc. God bless an expression of good wishes on parting. God bless me (or my soul) see BLESS. God damn (you, him , etc.) may (you etc.) be damned. god-damn (or -dam or -damned) sl. accursed, damnable. god-daughter a female godchild. God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (in the Christian tradition) the Persons of the Trinity. God-fearing earnestly religious. God forbid (foll. by that + clause, or absol.) may it not happen! God-forsaken devoid of all merit; dismal; dreary. God grant (foll. by that + clause) may it happen. God help (you, him , etc.) an expression of concern for or sympathy with a person. God knows 1 it is beyond all knowledge (God knows what will become of him). 2 I call God to witness that (God knows we tried hard enough). God's Acre a churchyard. God's book the Bible. God's gift often iron. a godsend. God's own country an earthly paradise, esp. the United States. God squad sl. 1 a religious organization, esp. an evangelical Christian group. 2 its members. God's truth the absolute truth. God willing if Providence allows. good God! an exclamation of surprise, anger, etc. in God's name an appeal for help. my (or oh) God! an exclamation of surprise, anger, etc. play God assume importance or superiority. thank God! an exclamation of pleasure or relief. with God dead and in Heaven. Derivatives godhood n. godship n. godward adj. & adv. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  2. Бог, Всевышний the Almighty God —- всемогущий Бог см. также god 1. Бог, божество the god of day —- солнце the god of heaven —- Громовержец (Юпитер) the god of war —- бог войны (Марс) household gods —- лары и пенаты, боги домашнего очага a sight fit for the gods —- зрелище, достойное богов feast (fit) for the gods —- пир, достойный богов to worship false gods —- поклоняться идолам 2. (G.) Бог, Всевышний the Almighty G. —- всемогущий Бог 3. идол, кумир a god of clay —- глиняный божок to make a god of smb. —- обожествлять (боготворить) кого-л. he makes a god of money —- он боготворит деньги, деньги для него все 4. (the gods) театр. раек; посетители галерки, галерка 5. в грам. знач. междометия: боже!, господи!, боже мой! (выражает удивление, радость, страх, гнев и т. п.) Id: G.'s fool —- юродивый Id: G.'s truth —- истинная правда Id: G.'s earth —- божий мир, земля Id: G.'s word (book) —- библия Id: the voice of G. —- глас божий Id: trusting in G. —- с верой в Господа Id: G. willing —- если Бог даст, если будет на то божья воля Id: to be with G. —- быть мертвым Id: god from the machine —- неожиданная благополучная развязка Id: may god speed you —- уст. Бог в помощь; да поможет вам Бог Id: by G.! —- ей-богу! Id: oh (my good, great, dear) G.! —- боже мой!, боже милостивый! (выражает гнев, удивление и т. п.) Id: for G.'s sake! —- ради бога! Id: G. forbid! —- избави Бог! Id: G. bless me!, G....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) бог, божество  2) (God) всевышний my God! - боже мой! by God - ей-богу! God bless you! coll. -  а) боже мой! (восклицание, выражающее удивление);  б) будьте здоровы (говорится чихнувшему) God damn you! - будьте вы прокляты! - Gods truth - God Almighty - honest to God  3) идол, кумир to make a god of smb. - боготворить кого-л. - the gods  2. v. rare обожествлять; боготворить to god it coll. - разыгрывать из себя божество; важничать GOD Almighty боже всемогущий GOD wot бог знает ...
Англо-русский словарь
  NASA abbr. Gravitational Orbits Dynamics U.S. gov. abbr. Guardians Of Democracy hobby abbr. Game On Disc funny abbr. Gold Oil And Drugs funny abbr. Groove Over Dose gen. comp. abbr. General Operating Device telec. abbr. Grade of Service sport abbr. Gamemaster On Duty religion abbr. God Or Death religion abbr. Great Omniscient Deity gen. bus. abbr. Gathering Of Deities pos. abbr. Good Old Dad firm name abbr. Guaranteed Overnight Delivery firm name abbr. Global Overnight Delivery ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. god "supreme being, deity," from P.Gmc. *guthan, from PIE *ghut- "that which is invoked," from root *gheu(e)- "to call, invoke." But some trace it to PIE *ghu-to- "poured," from root *gheu- "to pour, pour a libation" (source of Gk. khein "to pour," khoane "funnel" and khymos "juice;" also in the phrase khute gaia "poured earth," referring to a burial mound). "Given the Greek facts, the Germanic form may have referred in the first instance to the spirit immanent in a burial mound." [Watkins] Originally neut. in Gmc., the gender shifted to masc. after the coming of Christianity. Godsend is from 1814, originally "a wreck;" sense of "happy chance" is from 1831. God-fearing is attested from 1835; godawful is from 1878. Godhead, with maidenhead, are sole survivors of M.E. -hede, cognate with -hood and Ger. -heit. God bless you after someone sneezes is credited to St. Gregory the Great, but the pagan Romans (Absit omen) and Greeks had similar customs. GODIVA - d.1067, Lady of Coventry and wife of Leofric, Earl of Mercia. Legend first recorded 100 years after her death, by Roger of Wendover. "Peeping Tom" aspect added by 1659. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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